Homeopathy in Canada appears to be regrettably quite entrenched. There’s still stuff you can do though:
Tell your friends to watch out for secret Homeopathy
Like cigarette packaging in the 80’s, the boxes of this stuff are designed to make you think it’s great stuff. If people know to watch out, they can take action.
Let your friends know Homeopathy is garbage
A surprising number of people think that Homeopathy = natural, and natural = good. Exposing the crazy pseudoscience behind it can stop that.
Let your MP know Homeopathy doesn’t deserve Canada’s time
Find your MP here – even just an email counts.
Let the Minister of Health know Homeopathy doesn’t deserve Canada’s time
Jean-Yves Duclos is the current Health Minister. If you don’t think his department should be giving homeopathy the time of day, let him know.
Sample email text
Here’s some text you can copy/paste or use as inspiration. (Just insert your information / delete lines as appropriate)
Dear <MP name> Thank you for representing me in the <MP area> district Thank you for representing me as Canada's Minister of Health I'm writing to you to object to Health Canada's partnership with the fraudulent homeopathic industry in certifying ineffective homeopathic products. Health Canada's purpose it to look after the health of Canadians; lending their credibility to vials of water or sugar tablets curing real ailments that Canadians are suffering with does not do that. The homeopathic industry does not want to give up it's lucrative ability to defraud Canadians, but I believe it is your job to stand up to them. Sincerely <Your name>
If you wish to spend more time on this, Citizens for Public Justice have a page describing best practices on writing an advocacy letter to your MP. (Their sample PDF is linked in the first line)